December 2023 to March 2024

Young women between 13 and 17

results: 21 - 21 of 21

# 69282 - puppy (17/F) - 2023-12-29 21:11:23
United States
Languages: English
Hobbies/Interests: reading, listening to music, drawing !!!

Hiiii, :) I'm black ! I'm interested in farming (cows, sheep), taking agriculture classes in school. My favorite animals are cats and cows !!! I like money too... A LOT, who doesn't? My favorite band is MSI, I like REALLY old movies (1930s-1980s). I don't do anything outside of school, besides sleep and homework. Doctor is forcing me to gain weight, and I hate HATE it so much. I'm tired 24/7 regardless of how much sleep I get. A fatherly figure or chemistry tutor could do me some good right about now, and forever. I plan on either moving in with or having someone move in with me after I turn 18 BTW, so we could discuss that toooo if you're interested. I'm really interested in living a traditional lifestyle with traditional gender roles OR reversed gender roles if you happen to be into femdom :D !! just email me I guess...

Updated since 2023-05-23 22:50:25


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